Roleplay Notes

Roleplay Notes is an app for saving information about your roleplay-sessions. It is available for Windows 10 desktop and mobile devices.

What is it?

Both as gamemaster and gamer in role-playing sessions you have to remember a lot of things. Save important information in Roleplay Notes to find them later more easily. Which characters were involved in which event? When did they meet each other? Where have they found that magical item, and what else happened there? This app is designed to help keep track. It does not save game system-specific data (like combat values), so it does not matter whether you play Dungeons & Dragons, Shadowrun or any other RPG.


  • Create characters, factions, locations, items and milestones
  • Link elements and describe their relation
  • Add filterable tags to your elements
  • Arrange milestones in chronological order and read again about past events
  • Save your data in OneDrive if necessary


Download Roleplay Notes from the Windows app store.

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